Thursday, August 15, 2013


Hello Tara Rangers. It's another Inspiration Thursday!

Today, I reminisce on what have been the driving factors of House Of Tara's success story; Hardwork?  yes, Determination? Yes, Drive? Yes, Persistence? YES. However, a big part of the success is our ability to tell our story.

Starting out in 1998, I composed a story for myself, which was basically, my vision for my business and my dream for my self as an individual. I told myself my story over and over again, made myself believe it, when I set out to employ someone, I tell my story to him or her, I sold my story to every one around me, got them to believe in it and today I'm living it.

As an individual willing to succeed in life, you also will need to tell your story.

Your story is the "WHY" of your existence, your purpose. And in Business, it is the why of your organization.

As a leader, you must have for your self a compelling story, one that includes elements of your identity, vision, motivation and strategy, and has the ability to inspire others to action.
Use your head as a seat of strategy and your heart as a seat of motivation. Critically deliberate on how you wish to go about achieving your goal. Make your heart believe that it is possible to achieve your goal, tell your story to the people you want to bring along on your journey, be they employees or life partners. Create an emotional buy so that your people believe they can be a part of your journey and actually want to. 

You may have to practice your story in front of the mirror. Lift yourself above of all the circumstances holding you down. Two things happen when you do this: You activate your belief system and you engage the universe to respond and bring in contact with the people and opportunities that will bring your goals to fruition.

Till next thursday Rangers

Remember to pray and pray to remember.


  1. Thank you Tara. I have started telling my story already...

  2. very wonderful,my spirit is lifted.

  3. Yes,hav started telin M̶̲̥̅̊y̶̲̥̅̊ story already bt am gono include all u'v said.GBU ma'm!

  4. You are God sent to this generation.Well done ma.

  5. Awesome you are blessing indeed

  6. Awesome you are blessing indeed


Thank you for taking the time out