Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Woman As A Creator Of Wealth: My Speech at Convenant University

It was a truly interesting event over at Covenant University on Saturday 06th April 2013.
I remember walking into the University Chapel and thinking to myself what a really full house it is.Truly inspiring!
So for those of you who missed the event, here is an upload of what really went down and excerpts from my speech.

Woman as a creator of wealth  was for me a very fitting title for many reasons. Number one reason is the always present need to inspire young ladies to go out and do something for themselves and the society at large- to add value.

Creating or adding value to one's immediate and extended environment is the single best way a woman or in any case, an individual can create wealth.
House of Tara started off on the desire to create value- that of making brides beautiful on their joyous day; and we are where we are today, because we keep striving to add value to the society.
Of course, there is hard work, diligence and determination.

I believe it is very possible for women to own their own businesses, or have amazing careers and still have wonderful family life regardless of their backgrounds, or what has happened to them in the past.

On the definition of wealth and wealth creators 
  • Wealth  is tangible or intangible thing that makes a person, family or group better off. 
  • Tangible things that make a person better off include: money, material things
  • Intangible things include: Time, good health, youthfulness, family, impact.
  •  A wealth creator is a value creator
  • Women are created to be help meet, which means women are naturally value creators.

On the Proverbs 31 woman

  • The Proverbs 31 is beautiful, brainy, and spiritual
  • Her beauty emanates from within
  • She can buy a field with her hands, which means she is a woman of means
  • She is investment minded, industrious, discerning, organised, and stylish
  • she is most importantly, God fearing.


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