I call it the 10/10/80 rule. What is this about?
It is a cure for a lean purse. People through the ages have always highlighted the need to save 10 percent of all your earnings.
I am a firm believer in tithing, and in all my years of running a business, I have always tithed. And truly, God has blessed me 10 fold.
Be sure to thank God with 10% of all your earnings monthly. And I'm not just saying this for Christians. Whoever you are, whatever you do, make it your aim to save 10% of your earnings, tithe 10%, and base your expenses on 80%.
Live by it. Don't compromise on it. Every month, do it. Give to your God and see how he blesses you.
Also save 10% of your earnings. Don't allow yourself to be tempted to spend it on frivolities. Some ladies carry more money on their heads as hair than they've been able to save their entire lives. Don't let that be the case with you.
Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork. Save, tithe and grow.
Till next time
Remember to pray and pray to remember